I trust in my own, unique journey.
Every act of creation is proceeded by an act of sacred destruction. The merging of the egg cell and the sperm cell to create a human being, means both those cells are destroyed in a nuclear event, to turn up as something else. Letting go is an essential act in order to not get wrapped up in the destruction of everything that needs to leave, in order for something better to be brought into form.
This sign supports you in the process of letting s may feel cold but in this cold process you can a nd warmth. This is the spark, the source of creation creating something new from the old. In order for this to happen, the old has to fall apart first.
What are you holding onto that you know has to go? Don’t be afraid to let things fall away. You don’t have to save any- thing. Allow the falling apart of everything that is obsolete. Allowing things to leave and to fall apart, creates space for you to experience new things on a higher frequency. The old has to go in order to allow for the higher frequencies to be able to take form in our reality. This goes for everything around you, but also for everything inside you. Everything that is not in line with your purity will simply fall away. This can be a painful and even scary process, and we tend to hold on tightly to what we know when the alternative is not knowing what will come in its place. Trust that you have written your own story and that it is perfectly in line with who and what you really are.