Resonance is a quantum physics term that speaks to the alignment between different factors, energies, things, people. If there is resonance, there is harmony. If there is no resonance, there is disharmony or dissonance.
I am a magnet for everything that’s in resonance with my being.
This sign will help you tap deeper into your own frequencies. You’ll feel the rhythm, your rhythm, through your whole body as a moving, warm and energetic sensation. Try to feel this rhythm in anything or anyone around you and see if you begin resonating. This should help you differentiate from within if something is a healthy choice for you or not.
Spending your time on doing things that fully resonate with your being is more and more important. By clearing out all the old, redundant energies you will become more sensitive to the frequency of things, people and places, because you attune deeper to your own, original frequency. Since most of us have lost this ability through our lifetime, it’s important to focus on this and practice feeling the frequency of anything presented to you. It’s important to let go of anything that does not resonate, because it creates a dissonance in your life. The more you listen to this information, the more easily your life comes into alignment with who and what you really are. If there is disharmony in your life, it is a clear signal you need to focus on what is the cause of this and what you can do to create a resonant state of things.
All our love,
Ayana & Astaran
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